Japan is a country that is facing an increasingly powerful population aging. The high number of elderly people has led schools to shut down massively, instead, nursing homes are opening quickly to meet the needs of the majority of people in Japan.
Unlike in Vietnam, in Japan, the model of nursing homes has become increasingly crowded and popular. However, the nursing force and nurses in Japan are not enough to meet the needs of elderly care in hospitals and nursing homes. The labor shortage makes Japan has been and continues to need a large number of young human resources from Vietnam. Therefore, Japan is implementing loosening policies to recruit more Vietnamese nurses and nurses. Achieving higher results than other countries in the same region, Vietnamese workers are also appreciated in the eyes of the Japanese.
Taking this opportunity, many young Vietnamese nurses and nurses have joined the labor export program to Japan. With the desire to improve professional qualifications, skills, training in a modern and professional environment with a stable income and benefits, benefits, good treatment, many nurses, households After graduating, he chose the path of Japanese labor export to establish a career.
In Japan, the main job of nurses and midwives is to look after the elderly. The model of caring for the elderly in Japan is also different from nursing homes in Vietnam. In Japan, seniors pay a high fee for nursing homes. In return, they have a comfortable space like a family and are cared for by nurses, nurses, and health monitors.
Nursing care model in Japan is equipped with devices, devices to support health, patient’s condition. Not only is there a comfortable indoor space, gyms, rehabilitation, but the model is also designed specifically, such as a garden or a tram station, a station … so that people can walk around. No secret or boring.
In addition, the instruments are also monitored health status, medicine distribution and there are talks, exchanges, exercise … Even singing karaoke for entertainment and relaxation. Perhaps, this nursing home image is quite new to Vietnam. A multi-purpose nursing home and a four-star, five-star hotel, it is a place for old people in Japan to enjoy old age. Nursing home meals are prepared with 3 main meals and snacks with a nutritious diet.
It can be understood that the elderly will be dedicated to care from food, personal hygiene, transportation, including sleep issues … from nurses and nurses. Therefore, Japan needs young labor resources to quickly acquire knowledge as well as professional skills and qualifications to support the elderly. The nursing home model in Japan is built as “standard” as a family, creating a feeling for the elderly to not feel lonely when their children do not have much time with them. Green environment, modern and fully equipped help the tools regain their spirit and health because of the supportive devices or regular exercise, gentle exercise together.
Depending on the nursing home, there are different spaces and ways of caring for the elderly. However, the model of a nursing home in Japan has the same purpose and meaning, that is to make the elderly not feel alone and have a cohesive living space like a family among nursing people, caregivers, the elderly or doctors … With the desire to bring happiness, joy, sharing and support the elderly with all their heart, love, giving them a warm life and as complete as possible.
What do nurses and nurses learn when working at Japanese nursing homes?
It can be said that, when going to labor export to Japan, nurses and midwives attended Japanese training courses and have Japanese proficiency. Therefore, not only improve the ability to listen, speak, read and write Japanese when working, interacting and interacting with the elderly, Vietnamese young people will learn lessons from those who go. Before, lessons learned from the old people, how to work the principles and about Japanese communication culture. In addition, Vietnamese nurses are trained in Kaigo techniques – holistic care from dressing assistance to bathing, feeding support, moving assistance to secretion management support. and all the activities in daily life.
The advancement in medicine and the preferential policies and policies have helped Japan recruit more young Vietnamese workers. Creating favorable conditions and employment opportunities for Vietnamese nurses and nurses.
For more information, please refer to the following link: https://hss.asia/en/dich-vu/ho-ly-dieu-duong-tai-nhat-ban-p190