To answer this question we must affirm: It is when the risk of infection originating from the free movement between the two countries is at its lowest and can be controlled.
We have spent more than 4 months sacrificing limited economic benefits and personal freedom in exchange for safety against Covid-19. Therefore we must take measures to protect this achievement.
Current situation in Viet Nam

Hanoi stopped social isolation from 0h on 23/4, except for Me Linh and Thuong Tin districts, other districts of Hanoi stopped social isolation, many socio-economic activities were restored from April 23. The Prime Minister classified Hanoi as “at risk” instead of “at risk” as before. Only Me Linh and Thuong Tin districts are still in the “high risk” group because there has been no outbreak for the last 14 days. The city’s socio-economic activities will follow the Prime Minister’s Directive 15 of March 27. The city still prohibits bars, karaoke, restaurants, game bars, iced tea, and lemon tea gathering. Crowded cultural festivals and sports still stop.

The National Steering Committee for Prevention of Covid-19 proposed ministries and branches to prepare regulations to “live together safely” with Covid-19, taking advantage of opportunities to develop production.
The epidemic situation in Japan is still at risk of losing control

On May 25, 2020, Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo announced the removal of a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 epidemic, thereby ending a state of emergency across the country. However, the Japanese government continues to maintain a state of emergency due to the epidemic in Tokyo and 4 other provinces.

According to NHK (Japan), the 3rd largest economy in the world has more than 16,600 cases and 839 deaths from COVID-19 so far. 46/47 cities and provinces have people infected with COVID-19, typically 3 provinces / cities have the most cases: Tokyo, Osaka and Kanagawa.

With the latest decision of the Government of Japan, the country of sunrise officially ended phase 1 in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and was ready to enter the next stage in the recovery and development. economy.
Forecasting to reopen Vietnam – Japan route

Images on the Internet on June 27, 2020
Experience from many other countries seems to have suffered badly after the (subjective) relaxation of the epidemic measures. It is certain that Vietnam or Japan also strictly control healthcare for immigrants and citizens. Many experts also forecast that around August 2020 when the epidemic may subside, then the ability to reopen normal travel activities. Currently, there are only routes for civil service or relief missions for people and cargo flights.