3 characteristics of Japan: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes

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Earthquakes – a feature in Japan

You may not know that in Japan, there are often mild earthquakes every day, on average there are 1-3 earthquakes every day and Japan experiences about 1000 earthquakes every year. Dong Nai is a Japanese feature that you will often face here.

Japanese houses are usually made of pine because it is so light that it can withstand earthquakes.

Houses in Japan except for tall buildings are mostly assembled with wood or made of lightweight materials with earthquake-resistant architecture.

Usually Japanese people live in apartments, while households usually do not build 4 -5 storey houses like in Vietnam, but only build about 2 to 3 storey houses.

To prevent earthquakes in tall buildings in Japan, there is a separate system of a very heavy pendulum that automatically shakes the house’s tilt upside down to stabilize the center of the building.

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 Volcano – another feature in Japan

In Japan there are a total of 186 active volcanoes.

Japan is formed by volcanoes erupting between two continental shelves.

Mount Fuji – the symbol of Japan is also a volcano.

Volcanic eruptions are often accompanied by earthquakes.

A volcanic eruption usually causes damage to facilities around the volcano, but the smoke that the volcano rises up has repeatedly delayed flights to that area because the smoke is too dense.

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Tsunami is a catastrophe associated with the two above phenomena

The earthquakes at sea are the cause of the tsunami.

There were massive tsunamis that severely damaged Japan, and a large area was devastated after just one tsunami.

Japan is the world’s most common tsunami country.

Japan has now built a three-layer tsunami system: the outer layer is made of concrete against waves, the inner layer is the barrier trees and the final layer is the hills lying between the low-lying areas.

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Although Japan still has frequent earthquakes, in general it is very safe in Japan because all buildings have very accurate earthquake warnings. In addition, the coast of Japan has built a 3-layer anti-tsunami system that can cope with tsunamis in all cases. Volcanoes also have a fairly accurate warning system and restrict travel if the volcano is in danger of erupting. That is why you can be completely assured when going to Japan to study, export labor or travel.

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