Songkran takes place from April 13-15 every year, marking the transition from the old year to the new year with much of the disinfection of houses and new clothes, a typical custom of the country. Many Thai tourists come every year.

According to the Sun’s operating rules, the star’s entry is different, a total of twelve times, a time of just one year. Some countries such as Thailand, Burma, Laos, and Cambodia have all taken the Songkran festival as a new year occasion. Because it was also a traditional New Year, Thai people were all excited, hanging decorative lights and houses with electric lights and bustling streets. Buddhism is the state religion, so they prepare for the festival by bathing Buddha on the temple.
In the festival, there is also the activity of splashing beautiful people. The girls participated in the costumes of festive birds, phoenix birds and unique folk dance. On this occasion, Thai people are all excited, hanging decorative lights, and houses gleaming with electricity, and the streets are crowded and bustling.
In the early morning of the ceremony, according to tradition, Thai people bring fresh flowers and food offerings to the temple to listen to the sutras, queue up in order to wait for the monk to sprinkle the branches of water with a meaning of blessing and luck for everyone . After that, they will build many sandy stupas in the temple, celebrate flags and fresh flowers to celebrate this event. After these rituals, all poured into the main street, using all: water pumps, buckets, pots, especially water guns to scoop, splash, splash water on each other, signifying blessing and baptism. But for those who have a young soul, this is an exciting occasion.
According to Thai people, whoever gets a lot of water on people will go through it all the time, giving them all the year, so everyone tries hard with a hilarious fall. Although there are different skin colors, do not understand the voice but over here people seem to be more interconnected, showing friendship, warm and cordial. Legend has it that, the Water Fall Festival is the best charm of many people, so no matter how far away, the expatriates will find their way to the festival.
Songkran ceremony is also an interesting holiday called Rot Nam Dam Hua takes place: young people immerse the hand of the elderly in fragrant water and ask forgiveness all wrong. The elderly responded with blessings and advice to their children and grandchildren after which everyone shared delicious candies. This is purely a preservation of the Thai tradition of respecting age and status and strengthening relations between generations.
Songkran comes from the Sanskrit language, meaning “at the time of the shift, the sun goes from the Zodiac area to the Taurus area in the universe”, everyone welcomes Birth of the Buddha by spraying water with each other to wash out all sadness to celebrate the new year. Everyone went to the temple to attend the Buddha bathing ceremony and brought the fruit and vegetarian offerings to the monks, and at the same time released the birds to the sky and gave birth to the parents and grandparents, then poured the perfume into the spray. each other to bless. To prepare for Songkran Tet, people spend 2 days. Started as Wan Sungkharn Long – this day is dedicated to cleaning the house and shaking off the old ones. Next is Wan Nao – the day dedicated to preparing food in the upcoming holidays. According to the custom, people will come to the river bank and compete in the construction of sandy temples, each grain of sand will sweep away a sin. Wan Nao Day is similar to the 30th day of Vietnamese traditional Tet. Wan Payawan is the first day of the new year. Starting with a number of rituals on the temple in the early morning, people will offer food and clothes. At home, Buddha’s pictures will be wiped and scented. Wan Payawan is also the beginning of the water festival – A great event that has attracted millions of Thai tourists.